Read articleCivilization meets VEI-7 Eruption: humanity is poorly preparedNaples lies in the middle of a complex caldera that formed 39,000 years ago, its magma chambers emptied in a huge volcanic eruption and having an impact... 27.06.2018 · Natural hazards / Volcanic eruption GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences (GFZ)
Read articleThe ultimate natural hazard: supereruptionsSupereruptions represent enormous natural disasters which potentially impact the whole planet. They are unlike any other known and documented eruption. 06.06.2017 · Natural hazards / Volcanic eruption Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Read articleScientists discovered five submarine volcanoes north of New ZealandAn international team of scientists took rock samples at depths up to 8800m. Research will provide valuable insight into the earth’s past. 20.04.2017 · Natural hazards / Volcanic eruption Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Read articleColima – Living in the shadows of an active volcanoThe geologist Irving Munguia Gonzalez talks about his experience of living with an active volcano. 12.02.2017 · Natural hazards / Volcanic eruption Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Read articleKilauea Volcano - HawaiiHot lava is erupting from Kilauea volcano for months. 06.10.2016 · Natural hazards / Volcanic eruption Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel