The ROV KIEL 6000 is designed for scientific missions in the deep sea. It is remotely operated via a fiber optic cable from a research vessel. (ROV: remote operating vehicle).
Jago is a manned underwater vehicle for maximum water depth of 400 metres. It is used to explore the oceans and large lakes. The submersible is controlled by a pilot. A scientist is observing his environment and takes samples e. g. rocks, shells.
The Polarstern is one of eight German research vessels.
M. Hoppmann/AWI)
Drilling is important to get information e. g. on rock formations in the underground. The picture shows a roller bit.
The innovative drilling rig (InnovaRig) is drilling up to 5,000 metres deep into the ground.
A worldwide network is used to detect earthquakes in realtime.
The VISLAB allows 3D-visualisation of data obtained from measurements and numerical simulations. Research data become more ostensive and understandable.
K. Rink/UFZ)
The ozone layer is measured by a research balloon: the unmanned stratospheric balloon rise up to 45 kilometers.
Interactions between chemical and physical processes in the atmosphere can be analysed with data from this Zeppelin. PEGASOS stands for "Pan-European gas-aerosol climate interaction study".
Physical-chemical investigations of the atmosphere as well as geophysical and geodetic measurements can be carried out with the research aircraft HALO (high altitude and Long range). Scientists can immediately evaluate the data during the flight.
F. Ossing/GFZ)
SWARM is a satellite mission of the European Space Agency consisting of three satellites. The mission is investigating e. g. the Earth's magnetic field.
P. Carri/ESA)