In order to sustainably harness the knowledge gained from German research projects on climate change, a knowledge archive Dokumentenserver Klimawandel has been established on the well-known web portal www.klimanavigator.de, under “Climate Knowledge”.
Material produced by the KLIMZUG projects served as a pilot project for the creation of the archive. The acronym KLIMZUG stands for “Climate Change within Regions”. KLIMZUG had been funded for a five-year term by The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the context of the Federal Government's High-Tech Strategy for Climate Protection. Climate change adaptation strategies had been developed and partly implemented in seven KLIMZUG projects. All available documents are open and accessible to any user for free. The documents cover a variety of content, such as reports, brochures, guidelines, educational materials, figures and movies, all in different formats (i.e. PDF, AVI). Other research projects dealing with climate change may also use this archive in the future, for both making investigations and archiving their results.
The design of the “Dokumentenserver Klimawandel” is a joint effort between the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) and Hamburg University Press, the Open Access-Publisher of the Hamburg State and University Library Carl von Ossietzky. The document server is financed and operated by GERICS.